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Vacancy for Executive Director of Legal Development Network

Дата публікації: 13.09.2022

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Employment Type: Full time

Minimum Experience: Senior Executive

Deadline to Apply: September 30, 2022

About the Legal Development Network

Legal Development Network is a union of non-governmental community-based organizations that promote people-centered justice by legal aid, legal education, research, strategic advocacy, and other legal empowerment tools. The union began its formation in 2009 under the name “Network of Centers of Legal Information and Consultation”. At that time, 8 organizations decided to unite their efforts to develop common approaches to providing legal assistance in communities, generalizing typical appeals and standardizing the provision of legal assistance.

Today the Network unites organizations in the majority of Ukrainian regions. These LDN’s member organizations provide the population with basic legal information, actively cooperate with local authorities to solve individual problems and protect public interests, implement alternative dispute resolution, developing territorial communities and local leadership.

Every month, thousands of people address the offices of the Network and through its online services for legal assistance. A wide range of legal issues the lawyers of the Network work with include but are not limited to: land, labor, social and family cases. Much attention is paid to solving the problems of internally displaced persons and veterans.

For more information, please visit https://ldn.org.ua/.

About this Position

The Legal Development Network seeks a highly qualified, entrepreneurial applicant to develop, launch, lead and expand this initiative to promote legal empowerment efforts and enhance access to justice. The Executive Director will support and recruit a team to implement the initiative, develop and sustain relationships with current and new stakeholders in the legal empowerment field — including partner organizations and frontline activists — to promote the strategic plan of the Legal Development Network until 2025. This position reports to the Board and to the General Meeting of the Legal Development Network.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Implementation of the Legal Development Network’s strategic plan until 2025 in collaboration with the Board
  • Develop and direct the Executive Directorate team to ensure coordination with existing program staff and departments, recruit necessary staff positions
  • Manage and develop the the Executive Directorate program staff to ensure strong performance, professional development, and collegial teamwork
  • Collaborate with the external consultants to identify needs and opportunities across the Legal Development Network’s field of activity
  • Ensure effective coordination and collaboration with the Executive Directorate departments
  • Lead fundraising and financial management of the Legal Development Network
  • Working with the finance team, prepare and manage the  Legal Development Network budgets
  • Identify, cultivate and secure new sources of support for the  Legal Development Network, in collaboration with the Board
  • Contribute to proposals, reports, and other written development content
  • Develop and lead the Legal Development Network’s learning agenda, field building, and thought leadership
  • Partner with the communications team to provide thought leadership on approaches to and practices in legal empowerment and access to justice among partner organizations, donors, and other stakeholders


Candidates should demonstrate the following range of skills, experience, and qualities:

  • 5+ years of experience in human rights, legal empowerment, or related field
  • Expert knowledge of legal empowerment strategies and deep familiarity with the needs of frontline organizations employing these strategies
  • Demonstrated success in fundraising
  • Familiarity with nonprofit management and institutional development
  • Strong management skills and experience
  • Entrepreneurial orientation and creative thinking
  • Excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills
  • Proven track record of excellent relationship development and management
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Organized and able to manage multiple priorities simultaneously while producing excellent quality work
  • Clear and concise written and oral communication skills
  • Fluency in Ukrainian and English; ability to work in Russian highly preferred 
  • Master’s or other graduate degree required

To apply for this job, please send a CV and motivation letter with indication of expected salary to office@ldn.org.ua  before September 30, 2022 (18:00 Kyiv time).

Please, indicate “LDN Executive Director Vacancy” in the subject line of the e-mail.

Only qualified candidates will be contacted.

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P. S. Більше актуальної інформації на правову та гуманітарну тематику – у спецрубриці #StandWithUkraine. В ній акумулюємо матеріали, які можуть стати в нагоді тим, хто страждає, чиї права порушуються внаслідок війни рф проти України.


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