Потрібна юридична консультація? Наш юрист надасть її безкоштовно


Дата публікації: 03.02.2021

LEGAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK is an association of Ukrainian CSOs working on improving access to justice including focal points on legal aid, legal education, legal empowerment, and community legal support. Currently, the Network includes 15 organizations operating in 12 of 24 national regions.

We are looking for an Organizational Development Manager at the central office of our organization located in Kyiv (Pozniaky).

The Organizational Development Manager is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of the institutional development programs and reports to the Executive Director of the organization.

Qualification requirements 

  • Knowledge and experience (at least 2 year) in developing, managing and implementing donor-funded institutional development projects for CSO’s preferably with national and international donors in Ukraine;
  • Awareness in the human rights development, dynamics, trends, and tendencies in Ukraine and beyond, knowledge in international and national human rights legislation and practices will be an advantage;
  • Knowledge of organizational development and capacity building methodologies and tools for CSO’s;
  • Ability to work in a team and establish strong working relations with officials, donors, media and civic leaders;
  • Excellent writing skills as well as strong analytical aptitude, communication and presentation skills;
  • Excellent communicational, organizational and interpersonal skills;
  • Strong computer skills;
  • Advanced level of written and spoken English, Ukrainian; 
  • Readiness for business trips;
  • Registered individual entrepreneur or readiness to register.


  • Developing a long-term strategy and contributing to short-term plans within the organization programs together with the projects key staff; 
  • Monitoring of funding and grant opportunities, drafting project proposals;
  • Ensuring effective project management, performing overall control and monitoring, risk assessment, measuring project progress, making adjustments if required for achievement of its strategic tasks and envisaged objectives;
  • Securing timely project reporting in line with donors’ requirements and Ukrainian legislation;
  • Financial planning and control over financial procedures within the projects;
  • Performing control over compliance of the projects activities with donors’ rules, procedures as well as organization’s internal policies and regulations;
  • Representing the leading programs in relations with other organization’s projects/programs, authorities, donors, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders; 
  • Leading the project team and building its capacities; 
  • Coordinating development and implementation of learning projects, cooperation of trainers, experts and regional organization’s coordinators;
  • Analysis of national and international practices, innovations in the field of organizational and institutional development.

Expected start date – March 2021.

To submit your application, send your CV and motivation letter with expected salary level to program.assistant@ldn.org.ua  before February 21, 2021 (18:00 Kyiv time).

Please, indicate “Organizational Development Manager” in the subject line of the e-mail

Ви можете отримати індивідуальну консультацію через онлайн-чат Мережі правового розвитку. Чат працює щодня з 10:00 до 16:00. Допомогу надають юристи та юристки правозахисних організацій, які входять до складу Мережі правового розвитку.

P. S. Більше актуальної інформації на правову та гуманітарну тематику – у спецрубриці #StandWithUkraine. В ній акумулюємо матеріали, які можуть стати в нагоді тим, хто страждає, чиї права порушуються внаслідок війни рф проти України.


Будьте в курсі кожної новини та події – підпишіться на наш Telegram-канал: https://t.me/LegalDevelopmentNetwork

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Потрiбна консультацiя?


Поставте питання, i один з експертiв Мережi надасть вiдповiдь.
Графік роботи чату: з 10:00 до 16:00
(обідня перерва з 13:00 до 14:00).



Ми завжди відкриті для спроможних організацій та активних особистостей, які поділяють наші місію, бачення та цінності і готові долучитися до їх реалізації.



Ми робимо правову допомогу доступною. Ми посилюємо спроможність громад та допомагаємо їм розвиватися. Підтримайте нас у цій роботі.

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