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Creation of a networking space for young people and residents of Liubomyryivka village, Mykolaiv oblast

The village of Liubomyryivka in the Shevchenkove community was temporarily occupied. Before the full-scale invasion, 641 people lived there; now, there are 212, including 31 children. 

Large-scale shelling destroyed the school, village hall, and administrative building of Starostat (a local self-government body in Ukraine). Out of 255 residential buildings, 96 have been repaired. The only place where the villagers can meet and receive social services is the premises of the rural health post. However, this building was also in disrepair recently. But thanks to GlobalGiving funds the floors, walls, and electrical system were repaired this summer.

Photo: The walls and floor of the only remaining administrative building require repair. Activists and local leaders will begin restoration work after preparing documents and following procedures.
Photo: The renovated rural health post, which is now used as a center of social life in the village, needs to be equipped with a space for young people

Photo (from left to right): Activist Vitalii Grabar from Lviv, Denys Vynnychuk from Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, Starosta (head of Starostat) Nataliia Chepik, and local leader Viktor Prysiazhniuk.

Two activists with extensive experience in community building came to this community from Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk oblast, and Lviv to help local leaders restore their Place of Strength. With support from GlobalGiving, they worked together to fix the only building where residents gather. 

Photo: A UNICEF tent is located near the rural health post, now serving as a public space. The tent provides residents shelter from inclement weather.

A comfortable space where young people can meet and spend their free time under adult supervision is needed to expand development opportunities. Since after renovation there is more space in the rural health post. Our campaign is raising money to create such a space in one of the rooms in the rural health post for the youth of Liubomyryivka.

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