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#2 Newsletter of Regional Partnership in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Publication date: December 9, 2022

The Regional Partnership for Legal Empowerment Network in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is represented by organizations and activists from 12 countries. The Legal Development Network (LDN) is a regional anchor of the Partnership.

LDN is announcing a semiannual 2022 newsletter of the Partnership.

This is regular Newsletter collect information of the Partnership’s organizations, their lessons learn of challenges and grants opportunities.

#1 Newsletter







More about Regional Partnership

KHAM from Delchevo, Noth Makedonia

The association of citizens NGO “KHAM” from Delchevo is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organization, formed by free association of citizens for realization, protection, and coordination of their interests and beliefs, as well as to perform activities for raising educational level and improving the socioeconomic condition of the marginalized groups, promotion, and development of the civil society and democracy.




Grant to enable inclusive, sustainable economic growth

The Regional USAID Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth (EDGE) Project is seeking applications from qualified applicants in the Western Balkans countries of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia; the Caucasus countries of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan; and the countries of Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus (UMB), to enable inclusive, sustainable economic growth by supporting intra-regional and Euro-Atlantic integration under the regional USAID EDGE project. Grants must include beneficiaries or implementers in a minimum of two countries in the region in order to build partnerships and linkages among local organizations and the private sector to work regionally.

The financial allocation under this Request for Applications (RFA) is US $250,000 for activities to be implemented between May 17, 2023 and ending on May 16, 2024, with individual awards of up to $50,000 and their duration between 6 to 12 months during this period.

This Request for Application (RFA) is open until December 30, 2022 16:00 hours CET. 

For more information, like eligibility and how to apply: https://bit.ly/3ixgWzY 


News of Parnership


Partnership for Human Rights continues protecting children’s rights: review of the absence of comprehensive education on sexual and reproductive health and rights in Georgia and the problems resulting from this issue



60 civil society organizations condemned the suppression of environmental activists by the judicial system in the Republic of Armenia



Support to refugees and a platform for active young people promoting gender equality: best practices from Moldova



The Justice For All campaign ran from 2018-2021



Relocation? Support for businesses



How paralegals respond to challenges. Experience of two countries




The new application “Paralegals” will simplify the activity of community advisers of Ukraine in solving legal issues

In Ukraine, the paralegals are an important mechanism that removes obstacles to access to justice and expands opportunities to solve a large number of legal requests and problems of citizens. How does it work in practice? When a person needs “primary” legal assistance, he or she can turn to a paralegal – a community advisor in a village or town. In turn, the community adviser carefully studies the legal problem and advises, providing information that will help the person to solve it on his own, or redirects to a competent service or institution.






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