A new executive director of the Legal Development Network has been selected
Publication date: November 9, 2022
From September 13 to September 30, 2022, 25 proposals were submitted for the position of executive director of the Legal Development Network. After processing the received documents, the competition committee selected three participants and conducted online interviews with them.
The main criteria by which candidates for the position were evaluated are:
1. The level of expertise in the field of human rights, access to justice, and strengthening legal opportunities
2. Experience in the field of management and institutional development of civil society organizations
3. Experience in attracting financial resources (fundraising)
4. Results of previous professional activity
5. Communication skills
According to the results of the assessment of compliance with these criteria, Olga Nastina, the head of the LDN member organization “Legal Unity” from Bila Tserkva, Kyiv oblast, was selected to the position of executive director of the Legal Development Network. It should be noted that Legal Unity is one of the founding organizations of the Legal Development Network.
Refer to the protocol of the competition committee (in Ukrainian)
Olga Nastina
She is one of the founders of the Legal Development Network. With like-minded people, since the founding of the Network, she has successfully implemented local and national advocacy campaigns to enhance access to justice and legal empowerment and build the institutional capacity of the Legal Development Network.
In 2000, she graduated from Kyiv National University, Faculty of Law. She defended her candidate’s thesis, obtained the scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences, and was awarded the academic title of associate professor. Olga is the author of more than 100 scientific and methodological works, 50 educational and teaching programs, and 30 author training courses for lawyers, advocates, and human rights defenders.
Since 2001, she has worked as an associate professor in higher education institutions and leads the legal clinic at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University. Since 2007, she has actively participated in the human rights movement. Olga is a founder of several human rights, youth, and women’s civil society organizations. She has experience developing the social and humanitarian sphere in local communities as the deputy mayor of Bila Tserkva, Kyiv Oblast, Ukraine (2016-2018), developing the security direction in territorial communities that are members of the Association of United Territorial Communities (2018).
During her active human rights activities in the public sector, she successfully implemented a number of public initiatives, including the introduction of a system of providing free primary legal aid with funding from local communities’ budgets, providing free legal aid to vulnerable populations, enhancing access to justice in remote communities, implementation of public, youth, security, and women’s initiatives Author of the development strategy, community charter, public budget concept of Bila Tserkva, developer of many local targeted budget programs that received funding.
She has more than 15 years of experience in the organizational development of non-governmental organizations, successful fundraising, and team management as the leader of organizations, public initiatives, and projects manager.
P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.
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