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How the “Beehive of Meanings” helps displaced people in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Vinnytsia Oblasts

Publication date: July 21, 2022

The “Vulyk Zmistiv” (Beehive of Meanings) social initiative is implemented in three communities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Vinnytsia Oblasts. They all help internally displaced persons (IDPs) find a new home or at least a temporary shelter, solve urgent housing needs in a new community, restore lost meaning, and find new ones. You’ll find about how “Beehives” live and what they managed to do in this publication.

Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast

At the beginning of July, “Beehive of Meanings” together with the NGO “Strength of the Community” formed and delivered kits to 30 families. Each set’s composition was agreed upon by the recipients according to their needs. Photo credit: Nazarii Yazhynskyi

“Beehive of Meanings” has been operating in Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast for four months. During this time, the team found accommodation for 124 IDP families (369 people).

The systematic approach to providing assistance to IDPs is revealed here in a number of directions: providing housing, legal assistance, assistance in employment, childcare, establishing communication between displaced persons and local authorities and community residents, and supporting the operation of relocated businesses, and much more.

The first networking meeting with local youth and IDPs of the Kolomyia community, at which the ideas of creating a future youth center were worked out. Photo credit: Nazarii Yazhynskyi

The development of the employment model for IDPs, based on the example of the Kolomyia community, according to the Service Design methodology, has been started.

«We want to radically increase the number of IDPs employed in the host community by implementing a human-centered employment model that considers the interests of both employees and employers. For this, we formed a team of representatives of the employment center, local authorities, public activists, and local businesses. Together, they analyze existing job search methods, determine the opinions and wishes of people and businesses, develop algorithms for new actions and test them in real employment situations. So far, interviews with migrants and businesses have already been conducted, key problems and needs in employment have been identified, and the so-called Customer Journey Map – visualization of the desired path of the job seeker and the employer – has been constructed. There is still a testing phase ahead to find a feasible and effective model of employment of IDPs in host communities», says Vitalii Okhrimenko, program director of the Legal Development Network.

Picture: getting to know the team of volunteers Building Ukraine Together (BUT) at the beginning of July

And volunteers from Building Ukraine Together (BUT) visited the community. Together with the “Beehive of Meanings” team, they set out to create a shelter for IDPs. In total, five waves of the BUT-camp are expected from July to September this year.

Kamianka-Buzka, Lviv Oblast

“Beehive of Meanings” in Kamianka-Buzka, Lviv Oblast, started its work back in March with the creation of a housing bank. The team united local authorities and residents of Kamianka-Buzka, Dobrotvir, Zhovtyanets and Novoyarychi communities, and from mid-June, the Radehiv community. By synchronizing joint capabilities, they promptly advised IDPs on accommodation and provided them with legal assistance and later psychological assistance. In total, since March, this “Beehive” has helped more than 353 IDP families (1,088 people).

«IDPs found shelter in schools, colleges, and recreation centers. Residents of the community also provide accommodation. However, today in Lviv Oblast, they can no longer be in educational institutions due to the resumption of the educational process. So we begin to select other vein options», says Andrii Korbetskyi, the project lead in Kamianka-Buzka.

Picture: psychologist Zoriana Storozhynska helped children from IPD families to improve their interaction and communication skills as part of the “Beehive of Meanings” work. In total, three such events took place in July

The Lviv Oblast’s “Beehive” team is working on other areas of work, such as the employment of IDPs. They are looking for opportunities to combine these needs with business relocation assistance. In addition, integration events are organized for IDPs. 

Picture: IDPs can get advice on accommodation or receive other types of assistance at the Kamianka-Buzka office or by calling +380-68-320-49-09, which is open 24/7

Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia Oblast

In Khmilnyk, Vinnytsia Oblast, the implementation of initiatives that responded to the needs of displaced persons began as early as February. In addition to legal counseling, a humanitarian aid distribution point was organized, which later grew into the «Anthill: humanitarian hub» («Murashnyk»). They opened a bank of things. A space for working with IDPs has been arranged. And now, they have also started taking care of the IDP accommodation. The “Beehive of Meanings” social initiative is also implemented in cooperation with the local authorities, securing the agreements with a joint memorandum.

Thanks to the NGO “Know to Live”, the humanitarian center received goods that will be distributed among the displaced people of the community. Photo credit: NGO “PRAVO”

Team strategizing. Photo credit: NGO “PRAVO”

More about “Beehive of Meanings”– https://www.facebook.com/vulykzmistiv 

The Legal Development Network and its partner organizations implement the initiative with the support of the GlobalGiving Fund within the #StandWithUkraine Campaign.

P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.

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Recovery of The South of Ukraine

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