KHAM from Delchevo, Noth Makedonia
Publication date: December 9, 2022
The association of citizens NGO “KHAM” from Delchevo is a non-governmental, non-partisan, and non-profit organization, formed by free association of citizens for realization, protection, and coordination of their interests and beliefs, as well as to perform activities for raising educational level and improving the socioeconomic condition of the marginalized groups, promotion, and development of the civil society and democracy.
Main Methodology is Legal Empowerment and Social accountability. Our work is to educate marginalized group of people, teach the Law to understand it and to demand the rights. Until now we have implemented more than 80 projects, we deserve their trust and together we do the changes. With education, we put Community in comfortable zone, and in condition to have power in their hands and advocate for their rights.
The citizens of the Republic of Macedonia are equal, dignified employees, and with entitled right to health and complete inclusion in the educational process and other spheres of the social life.
NGO “KHAM” is a civil organization that through information, education, influence policies and providing services helps Roma and marginalized groups to engage actively and achieve their health rights, to provide better educational level and a better economic position.
Long-term goals
Exercising of human rights and respect for the principle of non-discrimination
2. Overcoming negative narratives of the Roma people as workers and improving their competitiveness in the labor market
3. Increasing the regular attendance and improving the low achievement of Roma students in the educational process
4. Consistent implementation of health rights and the application of preventive health programs within the Roma community
5. Inclusion of Roma in current important social events at local and national level
Short-term goals
Promoting human rights and protection against discrimination on grounds of ethnicity and racial profiling through an increased level of awareness of the Roma community and marginalized groups for the basic human rights
• Exercising the right to housing of the marginalized groups with an emphasis on Roma
• Increasing the employability and employment of Roma and improving their competitiveness in the labor market by overcoming the negative narratives and promoting positive models of Roma workers
• Increased inclusion of Roma children in pre-school education and increasing attendance, and improving the achievements of Roma students in primary and secondary education by raising awareness of parents about the importance of education to their children
• Promotion of Roma history and culture
• Implementation of preventive health programs by overcoming barriers the first health exercise and changing negative narratives about the Roma population
• Including and informing Roma and marginalized groups with an emphasis on youth in the creation of local and national level policies.
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