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LDN announcing first Newsletter of Regional Partnership in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Publication date: August 5, 2022

The Regional Partnership for Legal Empowerment Network in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is represented by organizations and activists from 12 countries. The Legal Development Network (LDN) is a regional anchor of the Partnership.

LDN is announcing a semiannual 2022 newsletter of the Partnership.

This is regular Newsletter collect information of the Partnership’s organizations, their lessons learn of challenges and grants opportunities.

More https://bit.ly/lennewsletter






More about Regional Partnership

Regional Partnership for Legal Empowerment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (further – the Partnership) is an informal association of civil society organizations, individuals and organizations, regardless of ownership, that have joined forces to bridge the gap in access to justicу in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Partnership is a regional anchor of the Legal Empowerment Network – worldwide movement to make people know, use and shape the law.

The Regional Partnership for Legal Empowerment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (hereinafter – the Regional Partnership) is represented by organizations and activists from 12 countries.

Legal Development Network (Ukraine)

Legal Development Network is a union of non-governmental community-based organizations that promote people-centered justice by legal aid, legal education, research, strategic advocacy, and other legal empowerment tools. It unites organizations in the majority of Ukrainian regions. These LDN’s member organizations provide the population with basic legal information, actively cooperate with local authorities to solve individual problems and protect public interests, implement alternative dispute resolution, developing territorial communities and local leadership. Every month, thousands of people address the offices of the Network and through its online services for legal assistance.

LET STATION (North Macedonia)

Association for legal education and transparency LET STATION was formed in 2018 and is located in Prilep, North Macedonia. We are a grass-root organization with a mission to meet the legal needs of the citizens by encouraging openness and cooperation of the institutions. We work on legal empowerment and access to justice for the marginalized communities with particular focus on Roma community and people living in rural areas, supporting realization of their rights in general and specifically health and social rights of these communities. We believe that if justice is not accessible for all that it is not a right, but a privilege and thus our work is strongly focused on bringing justice closer to everyone.

Centre for Legal Empowerment in Albania

A group of lawyers and paralegals, supported by the Open Society Foundation for Albania and the Swiss-funded project ‘LevizAlbania’, engaged themselves on a new project called “Legal Clinics”.  The project, which took part from 2017 to 2021 was designed as an intervention that had two-fold priorities:

i) Develop the litigation capacity of the legal clinics, and

ii) Provide free legal aid to the most vulnerable and marginalized citizens and communities.

Legal Entity Rights Georgia

Non-Entrepreneurial (Non-Commercial) Legal Entity Rights Georgia (formerly “Article 42 of the Constitution”) is a voluntary, non-profit entity of people protecting and promoting human rights and freedom, supporting human rights awareness, contributing harmonization of national legislation with international HR standards and monitoring state activities in that regard.


Call of action


Grant opportunity at the Frontline Resource Institute

The Frontline Resource Institute (FRI) provides integrated resources to frontline communities while bolstering shared knowledge and community rights to healthy, safe, and sustainable environments. FRI is releasing two grant opportunities through a Collective Action Fund at the Tides Foundation. These grants are intended for environmental justice and climate justice organizations serving frontline communities and will assist in building organizational capacity and promoting shared learning.
Recognizing organizations have different needs depending on their longevity, financial capacity, and development journeys, FRI plans to disburse funds via two tracks:

  • Track 1 – Organizational Strategy Development (four grants up to $150,000 each)
  • Track 2 – Organizational Capacity Building and Organizational Sustainability (eight grants up to $50,000)

To learn more about the grants on FRI’s webpage.



Legal Emprowerment Fund Announces first $2 million in grants

Legal Emprowement Fund announced the first cohort of 49 Legal Empowerment Fund grantees! Around the world, more than 5 billion people lack meaningful access to justice. The Legal Empowerment Fund (LEF) is the first initiative dedicated solely to closing the global justice gap by investing in locally driven solutions and bringing community-level strategies to scale.

In January 2022, the LEF initiated its inaugural funding cycle with a month-long open call for proposals. LEF invited grassroots activists and organizations doing legal empowerment work anywhere in the world to apply for flexible funding.

The response was staggering. LEF received more than 4,800 applications from 153 countries. In all, groups requested more than $233 million in funding—a true testament to the overwhelming need for greater investment at the grassroots level.


News of Parnership


Legal Empowerment 101: Combining the power of law with the power of people



Defending justice in Ukraine



World Justice Forum 2022: Final Statement on Building More Just Communities



Partnership for Legal Empowerment in Eastern Europe and Central Asia Statement on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine



How the “Beehive of Meanings” helps displaced people in Ivano-Frankivsk, Lviv and Vinnytsia Oblasts



The Human Rights Friendly Community Program was presented at the World Justice Forum 2022 in The Hague



Civil society organizations will receive support for more effective assistance to displaced persons



Community advisers in Ukraine: a history of development

The history of Сommunity advisers development in the world dates back more than 50 years. This long international experience includes various models and approaches to the introduction of paralegal practices and the institutionalization of networks of paralegals in many countries. However, common to all states is a positive result in expanding the legal opportunities of their citizens, because paralegals successfully work alongside professional lawyers, providing the primary link of access to justice at the local level.

Safety tips for NGOs and activists in the occupied territory

On February 24, 2022, the russian federation launched a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine. In the first days, the eastern and southern regions of the country were under occupation. Representatives of grassroots initiatives, public activists and concerned citizens continue to help people in the occupied territories.

Natalya Yesina, a lawyer and the head of the NGO “Northern Human Rights Group”, collected tips on how to conduct one’s activities in the occupation safely.



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