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Legal Development Network was ranked 3rd in the National Contest of Annual Public Reports

Publication date: June 26, 2018

The award ceremony of the 5th National Contest of Annual Public Reports took place in Kyiv.

Legal Development Network was ranked 3rd in the nomination “Civil Society Organizations (CSO) with an annual budget of more than 1 million UAH”.

We congratulate all members of the Legal Development Network who continuously contribute to the work and activities of LDN, as well as all those involved in the preparation of the Report itself.

The ceremony was held by the “Creative Center”.

In the photo: presenting the award to LDN. From right to left: Marcus Brand, UNDP advisor; Lyudmila Savchenko, LDN Organizational Development Manager and Liubov Palyvoda, president of the “Creative Center”

The purpose of the competition is to promote a high level of transparency and openness, organizational culture of civil society organizations, raising the level of trust in the society to the activities of non-profit associations and charitable organizations.

The participants were greeted by Liubov Palyvoda, president of the “Creative Center”, Marcus Brand, UNDP adviser and head of the democratic governance projects, Volodymyr Sheygus, ICAP “Yednannya” Executive Director, Volodymyr Kupriy, First Deputy Head of the National Agency for Civil Service of Ukraine, Maryna Honda, Director of the Department of Public Communications of the Kyiv City State Administration, Iryna Bilous, Deputy Head of the “Doluchaysia” project.

First place in the category “Civil society organizations with an annual budget of over 1 million UAH”, where LDN was represented, was awarded to the NGO “EdKamp Ukraine”, second place – NGO “Center “New Europe “.


The winners in the category “Civil society organizations with an annual budget of up to 1 million UAH”:

1st place – Charitable organization “Public Foundation “Sumy”

2nd place – Ternopil regional charitable foundation “The Future of the Orphans”

3rd place – NGO “Regional Center for European Integration Projects”


Winners in the category “Civil society organizations registered and working in villages, towns and small cities”:

1st place – City charity organization “Voznesensk community foundation”

2nd place – Charitable foundation “Center for Public Initiatives”

3rd place – NGO “Association “Revival of Grytsev ”


The competition was held for the fifth time. This year, there were 46 participating organizations from Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Lugansk, Lviv, Mykolayiv, Odessa, Poltava, Rivne, Ternopil, Cherkasy, Chernihiv, Kherson, Khmelnytsky and Kyiv.

In the photo: Lyubov Palivoda, President of the “Creative Center”
In the photo: Marcus Brand, UNDP Adviser and Head of Democratic Governance projects
In the photo: Marina Honda, director of the Department of Public Communications of the Kyiv City State Administration
In the photo: Volodymyr Kupriy, First Deputy Head of the National Agency for Civil Service of Ukraine
In the photos from right to left: Olena Ursu, Head of the UNDP project “Civil Society for Democracy and Human Rights”, and Lyudmila Savchenko, Legal Development Network Organizational Development Manager

In the photo from left to right: Anastasia Reva, LDN Program Assistant, and Lyudmila Savchenko, LDN Organizational Development Manager, with the award for 3rd place in the 5th National Contest of Annual Public Reports 2017.




Author: Sergiy Rybak, Communications Manager of the Legal Development Network




P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.

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Recovery of The South of Ukraine

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