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Legal Development Network and the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Kyiv Oblast have signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation.

Publication date: August 16, 2018

Executive Director of LDN Yevgen Poltenko and acting Chief of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Kyiv Oblast Oleg Kuzheliev signed a Memorandum of Partnership and Cooperation.

Yevgen Poltenko, LDN Executive Director, and Oleg Kuzheliev, acting of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Kyiv Oblast

Its purpose is to ensure interaction, join efforts and coordinate activities of the Network’s and the Main Territorial Department in Kyiv Oblast in order to improve the provision of free legal aid (FLA), public dialogue with executive authorities and implementation of public initiatives.

The memorandum was signed on August 16.

Yevgen Poltenko, LDN Executive Director

The joint efforts of the parties will be aimed at facilitating the integration of free primary legal aid (FPLA) among the population and improving the efficiency of the FLA providers. This activity will also provide for the development of the capacity of civil society organizations, local governments and local authorities as for FPLA.

Oleg Kuzheliev, acting of the Main Territorial Department of Justice in Kyiv Oblast

Written by Sergii Rybak, LDN Communications Manager


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