An IDP received assistance in legalizing the fact of his father’s death
Publication date: May 26, 2018
Author: Natalia Yesina/ NGO “Nothern human rights group”
Mykhailo Kravets adressed Sumy office of Legal Development Network*. The man is an internally displace person from Luhansk region; he needed some help to prepare documents. He said that his father had died in the territory temporarily uncontrolled to Ukraine. The family received a death certificate in the so-called Luhansk people’s republic, which is null and void in Ukraine.
Thus, such a document does not lead to any legal consequences (based on p 3 art.9 Law of Ukraine «Securing rights and freedoms of citizens and legal status of the temporarily щссгзшув еуккшещкшуі» №1207-VII ща 15.04.2014).
Тому тепер син не міг оформити допомогу на поховання батька, а також отримати залишок його пенсії.
Kateryna Apykhtina, lawyer of the NGO “Nothern human rights group”, provided a consultation to Mykhailo and prepared a court appeal to legalize the fact of his father’s death.
The court made a positive decision as for the case of Kravets.
- Subsequently, the relevant department of state registration of acts of civil status of the territorial administration of justice conducted a state registration of death and also issued a death certificate to the client and an extract from the State Register of Acts of Civil Status of Citizens, – the lawyer commented.
After receiving the valid documents, Mykhailo was able to receive both a certificate of death of the father and all due payments.
*The name has been changed for moral reasons.
A reference to a court decision in the Unified State Register of Judgments:
P.S. Offices of Legal Development Network were created and work with support from “Human Rights and Justice” program initiative of the International «Renaissance» Foundation.
The views reflected in this material belong to its authors and may not coincide with the opinion of the International Renaissance Foundation
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