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Justice on the second try. Man found partially fit for military service

Publication date: December 15, 2023

Despite the patient’s diagnoses, the doctor and then the military medical commission recognized the resident of Vinnytsia oblast as fit for military service. Dissatisfied with the situation, the man turned to the Khmilnyk-based NGO Pravo for legal assistance. The lawyers helped to arrange an additional commission examination, and the neurologist changed his conclusion.

Andrii went to a neurologist complaining of feeling unwell when he underwent a medical examination for the military medical commission. However, for some unknown reason, the doctor ignored all the complaints and even the neurological diagnoses that Andrii had received as a child. Thus, the patient’s card containing all these diagnoses was marked “fit for military service”.

Not satisfied with this approach, Andrii decided to seek justice and turned to the lawyers of the NGO Pravo.

Lada Karaban, lawyer at the NGO Pravo.

– We helped to prepare a request to the head of the Military Medical Commission to conduct a commission examination of Andrii and to appoint an additional examination. The commission’s chairman ordered a commission examination and then sent him for another examination, says Lada Karaban, a lawyer with the organization.

As a result, after a second examination, the doctor changed the conclusion from “fit” to “partially fit”.

The material was created with the support of the international charity platform GlobalGiving and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The publication’s content is solely the responsibility of the Legal Development Network.

P. S. More relevant information on legal and humanitarian issues – is in the special section #StandWithUkraine. It accumulates materials that may be useful to those who suffer, whose rights are violated as a result of the war between russia and Ukraine.

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