Mother’s protest is off: father and son will communicate more often
Publication date: August 21, 2024
Mr. Oleh, Enerhodar City resident, turned to the STEP Non-Governmental Organization for help on personal issue. Mr. Oleh, explained, his son is abroad accompanied by mother due to war, but the wife prevents regular communication between child and father.
Mr. Oleh shared, he misses his son tremendously and would love to communicate more. But his wife is unwilling to ensure constant communication. That, according to the man, makes it difficult to maintain the important emotional bound between him and his son.
“In order to resolve this issue, it was necessary to establish a clear procedure for communication using the video communication system,” explains Anton Stasik, the Lawyer of the Organization, who undertook to help the man. “Together with Mr. Oleh, we developed a detailed plan, including a schedule of video meetings, technical requirements and other important aspects that would help ensure proper communication between father and son”.
Lawyer provided Oleh with comprehensive advice and helped him to prepare and submit an application to the guardianship authority to determine the procedure for communication. For their part, the guardianship authority decided to adopt an appropriate schedule, held a conversation with the mother, who also participated in the meeting of the commission via video link, which helped resolve the conflict situation.

- Properly regulating a child’s communication with his or her parents, especially when one of the parents is abroad and obstacles arise, is critical to preserving family ties and the child’s emotional well-being. In such cases, it is important to help families in difficult situations and ensure stability and support for the best interests of children,” emphasizes Anton Stasik.
You can get an individual consultation through the Legal Development Network’s online chat. The chat is available daily from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Assistance is provided by lawyers from human rights organizations that are members of the Legal Development Network.
The material was created with the support of the international charitable platform GlobalGiving, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the Legal Development Network Non-Governmental Union.
P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.
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