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New services for IDPs: deregistration and change of registration address can now be done online

Publication date: December 23, 2022

The Ministry of Digital Transformation has expanded services for internally displaced persons through the Diia mobile application. It is good that one of the member organizations of the Legal Development Network – Right to Protection – made efforts to make these changes.

So, from now on, resettled people will be able to send an application to change the address of registration of IDPs and remove themselves from IDP registration online, without visiting the Center for the provision of administrative services or the Department of Social Protection of the Population. Citizens of Ukraine who have an IDP certificate in Diia can use the new services.

It is important to add that in order to change the place of residence, an internally displaced person must be physically present at the place of temporary residence in order to confirm his geolocation.

The changes took place, in particular, with the assistance of the Charitable Foundation “Right to Protection”. The team of the project “Digitalization of public services: facilitating access for conflict-affected communities and vulnerable groups in Ukraine”, which included the CF “Right to Protection”, conducted a survey and relevant research in the summer of this year. Its purpose was to find out the following:

  • the quality of access of people in difficult life circumstances to public digital services;
  • what is an obstacle to their use;
  • whether the use of the Diia mobile application is widespread among this category of persons;
  • what difficulties arise when working with the services offered in the application;
  • determine the necessary services that must be implemented on the portal and in the Diia application.

Based on the results of the research, the project team published the report “Experience of using public digital services”. To get acquainted with the results follow the link:


One of the key recommendations of the report was to introduce a service to cancel the IDP certificate online. Arguing the need for changes based on the results of the study, the CF “Right to Protection” appealed to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. And here is the result!

*The project “Digitalization of public services: facilitating access for conflict-affected communities and vulnerable groups in Ukraine” is carried out by the CF “Right to Protection” with the support of the European Union together with the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union.

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