The ATO participant escaped from the occupation and is renewing his documents
Publication date: May 18, 2023
Volodymyr* was lucky enough to leave the occupied territory of Ukraine to Zaporizhzhia after the start of the full-scale invasion. However, the 39-year-old man could not take any of his identity documents with him due to difficult circumstances…
The phone also had to be left behind, as Volodymyr was a member of the ATO (Anti-Terrorist Operation), and the information contained in the phone could have cost him his life. Therefore, in the summer of 2022, he applied for legal assistance to the NGO “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas” with a request to help restore the documents.
The procedure for issuing passports instead of lost or stolen ones is provided for in Section VI of the Procedure for Issuing and Issuing a Passport of a Citizen of Ukraine, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs dated 04/13/2012 No. 320 “On Approval of the Procedure for Issuing and Issuing a Passport of a Citizen of Ukraine”. To do this, a person should contact the division of the State Migration Service, the center for the provision of administrative services, or the “Passport service” citizen service center at the place of registration or stay, where they will be issued a temporary certificate for the period of production of the new document.

- But it turned out to be difficult to do without any documents. We consulted the man and offered to contact the mobile operator to renew the SIM card, which in turn made it possible to renew the card of one of the Ukrainian banks. I would like to note that the client had never used the Diia app, through which it was possible to identify a person, – explains Tetiana Pliasunova, a lawyer at the NGO “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas”, who helped Volodymyr.
Having restored the mobile operator’s card, Volodymyr was able to install the Diia app, and then turn to the Administrative Services Center, where he was issued a temporary certificate. Next, the man will have to renew his permanent identity documents.
*Name has been changed for ethical reasons.
The material was created with the support of the international charity platform GlobalGiving and the Legal Empowerment Fund (Fund for Global Human Rights program) and the Legal Development Network. The content of the publication is solely the responsibility of the Legal Development Network and does not necessarily reflect the views of the previously mentioned organizations.
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