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Vacancy: Organizational Development Manager

Дата публікації: 21.09.2017

LEGAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK is a national coalition of Ukrainian NGOs that develop communities through providing free legal aid and expert support.

We are looking for a Organizational Development Manager at the central office of our organization located in Kyiv (Pozniaky).

The Organizational Development Manager is responsible for the day-to-day implementation and management of the institutional development programs and reports to the Executive Director of the organization.

Qualification requirements

  • Knowledge and experience (at least 2 year) in developing, managing and implementing donor-funded institutional development projects for NGO’s preferably with national and international donors in Ukraine;
  • Awareness in the human rights development, dynamics, trends, and tendencies in Ukraine and beyond, knowledge in international and national human rights legislation and practices will be an advantage;
  • Knowledge of organizational development and capacity building methodologies and tools for NGO’s;
  • Ability to work in a team and establish strong working relations with officials, donors, media and civic leaders;
  • Excellent writing skills as well as strong analytical aptitude, communication and presentation skills;
  • Excellent communicational, organizational and interpersonal skills;
  • Strong computer skills;
  • Advanced level of written and spoken English, Ukrainian, Russian;
  • Readiness for business trips;
  • Registered individual entrepreneur or readiness to register.


  • Developing a long-term strategy and contributing to short-term plans within the organization programs together with the projects key staff;
  • Monitoring of funding and grant opportunities, drafting project proposals;
  • Ensuring effective project management, performing overall control and monitoring, risk assessment, measuring project progress, making adjustments if required for achievement of its strategic tasks and envisaged objectives;
  • Securing timely project reporting in line with donors’ requirements and Ukrainian legislation;
  • Financial planning and control over financial procedures within the projects;
  • Performing control over compliance of the projects activities with donors’ rules, procedures as well as organization’s internal policies and regulations;
  • Representing the leading programs in relations with other organization’s projects/programs, authorities, donors, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders;
  • Leading the project team and building its capacities;
  • Coordinating development and implementation of training projects, cooperation of trainers, experts and regional organization’s coordinators;
  • Analysis of national and international practices, innovations in the field of organizational and institutional development.

Expected start date – October 2017.

To submit your application, send your CV and motivation letter with expected salary level to office@ldn.org.ua before September 30, 2017.

Please, indicate “Organizational Development Manager” in the subject line of the e-mail


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