Changes in the leadership of the Legal Development Network
Publication date: September 13, 2022
The time for changes has come for the Legal Development Network. This is the time to open opportunities for new development momentum. Yevgen Poltenko decided to hand over the position of executive director of the Network to a new leader and continue his professional career with the new organization in the next few months.
Yevgen joined the Legal Development Network at the beginning of 2016 when we were formalizing our coalition of civil society organizations united to empower people legally and help Ukrainian communities to develop. This journey of institutional formation was difficult and thorny. But despite numerous challenges, the informal coalition gradually transformed into a powerful actor in the field of access to justice, whose activity is visible both in Ukraine and the international arena, particularly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Strengthening institutionally, the Network expands its programmatic activities year by year: successfully implemented projects grow both in scale and in terms of their social impact. Behind each such project are dozens of communities that improve their access to justice ecosystems and thousands of people who receive timely and high-quality legal assistance to solve their vital problems.
The institutional capacity of the Legal Development Network, developed over the years, allowed the Network not only to not break its work even for a moment under the blows of the Russian invasion but also to increase the volume of its activities several times. By building new partnerships, the Network further strengthened its social impact by providing legal aid to Ukrainians who fled abroad, helping displaced people find housing, and distributing in-kind humanitarian aid to those in need.
These were extremely important years for developing our professionalism, efficiency, and social impact. The new executive director will now continue all the resources, efforts, and connections we developed together with Yevgen Poltenko. The new leader will receive all kinds of support for this from the Network’s Board and member organizations.
We invite ambitious professionals who are fond of human rights defense and legal empowerment of communities to participate in the competition for the position of executive director of the Legal Development Network, which will last until September 30, 2022. Please learn details:
Board of the Legal Development Network
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