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Dream 3.0: LDN at the Civil Society Organizational Development Forum

Publication date: December 7, 2018

An annual Civil Society Development Forum was held in Kyiv.

More than 2000 representatives of non-governmental organizations took part in it. Within the framework of the event, more than 100 different activities took place: trainings, presentations, discussions.

The theme of this year’s Forum was “Dream 3.0. Designed Impact “.

Video by Informational analitical center “Gromadskyi prostir”

The event was held on November 29, 2018.

Opening the Forum, Ihor Todorov, a member of the Board of the Initiative Center to Support Social Action “Ednannia”, read aloud the appeal of the President of Ukraine to the participants of the Forum: “A strong and conscious public is called to be an inexhaustible source of social development. The implementation of cross-sectoral projects aimed at counteracting Russian hybrid aggression against Ukraine is particularly relevant, in my opinion”.

Ihor Todorov, a member of the Board of The Initiative Center to Support Social Action “Ednannia”

The Legal Development Network also took part in the Forum. Its activities, in particular, were presented at the exhibition “Networks and Coalitions: Actions, Impact, Result”.

The Network attracted a lot of interest. It was attended by a significant number of the Forum guests; about 200 of them left their contact details.

Representatives of the Legal Development Network told guests about its activities. All interested persons could receive information materials of the Network, which contain algorithms for solving various legal issues. For example, leaflets being presented were devoted to resolving land disputes, access to public information, obtaining social aid and resolving other legal issues.

At the joint site with the Legal Development Network, the staff members of the Main Territorial Administration of Justice in Kyiv presented its work. Among other guests, Stanislav Kutsenko, the head of the Administration, visited the site.

From right to left: Stanislav Kutsenko, the head of the Main Territorial Administration of Justice in Kyiv; Yevgen Poltenko, LDN executive director; Natalia Bimbirayte, head of the LDN Board

The participants of the Forum held a flash mob in support of Oleg Sentsov, raising up the posters with the printed #SaveOlegSentsov hashtag, to demonstrate to themselves and the world that we must remember all the prisoners and join forces to work for their release.

“Today, civil society plays a leading role in promoting democratic reforms, and it is also the engine of resistance to those who are trying to divert Ukraine from its European path. Ukrainians trust activists of civic organizations working at the community level. This platform you have created truly reflects on the nature of civil society in Ukraine … Today you are pushing the country for peace, prosperity and freedom,” said Susan Kosinski Fritz, Director of the USAID Mission to Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova, addressing the Forum.

Susan Kosinski Fritz, Director of the USAID Mission to Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

The European Union Ambassador to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli also mentioned the high level of trust in public institutions and challenges: “It is a great honor for the EU to be associated with this event. The EU is here to support the reform process, and you are the driving force behind these reforms. Civil society is one of the three most trusted institutions in this country. And in recent years, the level of trust in civil society has increased. You are the future of Ukraine. We in the EU have decided to continue to build partnerships with CSOs. Today, more than 5% of the budget is aimed at building capacity of civil society organizations and supporting financing of activities.”

Hugues Mingarelli, European Union Ambassador to Ukraine

Mr. Ambassador drew attention to the problem of attacks and persecutions – over the past year there were over 50 undisclosed crimes against activists. “The most tragic case is the attack on Kateryna Gandziuk. This development is very worrying for us. We appeal to the Ukrainian authorities to do their utmost to protect civil activists in order to investigate these cases and arrest the perpetrators. I want to assure you that we will insist that the authorities make every effort to stop such cases.

We also see that the government has created some tools to have partnerships with NGOs. In 2018, the share of the state budget financing increased by 70%. It really inspires. It is important that we share experiences and successful practices. We understand that in some areas you compete with certain structures, but this competition can be transformed into a partnership. “

“My first call to civil society: continue to set ambitious goals and high standards to facilitate the implementation of reforms. Use your extremely valuable experience and high level of trust to empower young people and help them believe that they can make real changes. Stay united and collaborate with the government in policy making, promoting human rights, dignity and tolerance. And finally, to ensure that civil society has flourished and has contributed to a more inclusive, equitable and stable society, innovative approaches are indispensable,” Osnat Lubrani, UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine, said in her welcoming speech.

Osnat Lubrani, UN Resident Coordinator, Humanitarian Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Ukraine

Swedish Ambassador to Ukraine Martin Hagström, at the end of the greeting part of the Forum, wished civil society to involve as many people as possible in their work.

Martin Hagström, Swedish Ambassador to Ukraine


From right to left: Viacheslav Liakh, lawyer of Bilozerka office of LDN; Anastasia Reva, LDN program assistant; Natalia Bimbirayte, head of the LDN Board; Liudmyla Savchenko, LDN organisational development manager; Yana Yakunina, lawyer of LDN Severodonetsk office; Vladyslav Koniev, lawyer of LDN Severodonetsk office; Olena Poletaeva, lawyer of LDN Severodonetsk office; Bogdana Yavornytska, lawyer of LDN Kamianets-Podilskyi office


Author: Sergii Rybak, LDN communication manager

При підготовці статті використовувались матеріали ГО “Інформаційно-аналітичний центр “Громадський простір”




P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.

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Recovery of The South of Ukraine

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