LDN presents Human Rights Friendly Community Program at the World Justice Challenge International Forum in The Hague
Publication date: March 10, 2022
Written by: Halyna Kolesnyk, the Communications Manager of the Legal Development Network
The Human Rights Friendly Community Program received a special award from the international competition “World Justice Challenge” in the category “Access to Justice”.
The Human Rights Friendly Community Program provides a unique opportunity for communities to plan, prepare and conduct research on the legal needs of their residents. This study becomes the basis of a roadmap for solving systemic problems and involving community members in its implementation.
The Program has been implemented since 2019. In three years, it covered 17 communities from 12 oblasts with a population of over one million.
Learn more about the Human Rights Friendly Community Program.
The World Justice Challenge is a global competition to identify, recognize and promote good practices and high-impact projects and policies that protect and advance the rule of law in three categories: access to justice, anti-corruption and open government, equal rights and non-discrimination.
A total of 30 finalists and 10 special awards from 27 countries were selected from around the world. Ukraine will be represented by two more in the Anti-Corruption and Open Government category. The finalists will present their initiatives to an international panel of judges and, along with special awards, will take part in the Justice Expo at the World Justice Forum 2020 in The Hague, the Netherlands.
The forum will take place from May 30 to June 2. You can also join it online. Registration is already open. The organizers provide translation into Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic.
The Human Rights Friendly Community Program has been implemented by the Ukrainian Access to Justice School of Practice since 2019 on the basis of the #PRAVOKATOR network of legal clubs with the support of the Legal Aid Coordination Center, the International Renaissance Foundation, the Ukrainian Legal Aid Foundation, partner organizations and institutions and is administered by the Legal Development Network.
P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.
You can Recovery of The South of Ukraine |
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