The article on on the role of sociological tools in the development of Ukrainian communities is published in the blog of the international organization Namati
Publication date: October 5, 2018
The article devoted to the panel discussion on the role of sociological tools in the development of Ukrainian communities was published in the blog of international resource Namati. which was attended by representatives of the Legal Development Network took part in the discussion.
Namati is an international non-governmental organization. Its aim is to improve access to justice for all. Also, it pays much attention to the development of the institution of paralegals.
The material posted on the Namati blog can be found at
The discussion took place on September 13, 2018 within the framework of the event “From Needs to Politicians: Using Assessment Tools to Create a Legal Agenda in Ukraine”.
The event was organized by the International Renaissance Foundation in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the Directorate for Human Rights, Access to Justice and Legal Awareness, the Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision, and the Legal Development Network (LDN).
Speakers of the panel discussion were Sergiy Shevel (Association of Amalgamated Territorial Communities), Vitaliy Okhrimenko (Coordination Center for Legal Aid Provision), Galina Turbaba (Dvorichansky District Council), and Vitaliy Babyka (Dvorichansky Office of the Legal Development Network). The moderator of the discussion was the LDN Executive Director Yevgen Poltenko.
The news on the panel discussion is available on the LDN website at
Written by Sergii Rybak, LDN Communications Manager
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