The Network began preparing for a comprehensive audit of its activities
Publication date: August 17, 2018
In its work, the Legal Development Network is guided by the principles of publicity, transparency and accountability. In view of this, the periodic independent external audit of the Union’s activities is important. Its results show that the organization has good governance practices, help improve internal procedures, and increase confidence in its activities by the public and partners.
Oleksandr Marynchenko, director of Alex S. Audit audit firm , visited the Office of the Executive Directorate of the Legal Development Network. He conducted a consultation for members of the Directorate, which purpose was to prepare the Network for a comprehensive audit of 2017-2018 activities.

The expert got acquainted with the existing policies, procedures, documentation and accounting system of the public union. It is expected that based on the results of the consultation he will provide the Network with recommendations that will help it better prepare for future audit.

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