The paralegal helped a woman to register private entrepreneurship independently
Publication date: July 7, 2023
Instead of a confusing situation with documents and wandering around offices — an independent registration of her own entrepreneurship. Thanks to the awareness of the paralegal of the NGO “Ukrainian Paralegal Association”, a resident of Zhytomyr oblast promptly resolved her issue online.
A resident of the village of Velyki Nyzhirtsi, Semeniv community, Zhytomyr oblast, Larysa* turned to the paralegal Maryna Tsarapaieva with a request for help in registering as a private entrepreneur. It would seem that how can a paralegal help in such a formal matter? However, the woman explained that the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services does not currently function in her community, as the institution’s registrar went abroad at the beginning of the full-scale invasion.
Larysa applied to the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services of the neighboring Berdychiv territorial community. She thought maybe she would get help there. But she was refused at the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services of the neighboring Berdychiv territorial community. This was explained by the fact that they cannot do this since the woman is registered in the Semeniv community, so it is there that she should register herself as a private entrepreneur.
Larysa felt hopeless because, in fact, she had to be redirected again to the Semeniv Community Center for the Provision of Administrative Services. That is why she decided to seek support from the NGO “Ukrainian Paralegal Association”.

Having dealt with the specifics of the situation, Maryna Tsarapaieva offered the woman to solve the problem online by registering herself on the Diia portal. This did not cause difficulties, as the paralegal is well-versed in the procedure.
That was the end of Larysa’s wandering around the offices. She successfully registered herself as a private entrepreneur without leaving her village.
*Name has been changed for ethical reasons.The material was created with the support of the international charity platform GlobalGiving and the Legal Empowerment Fund (Fund for Global Human Rights program) and the Legal Development Network. The content of the publication is solely the responsibility of the Legal Development Network and does not necessarily reflect the views of the previously mentioned organizations.
P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.
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