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The woman sought legal help and was able to get a new profession and find a job

Publication date: August 21, 2023

The ATO (Anti-Terrorist Operation) participant, and displaced woman from the Donetsk oblast, turned to the NGO “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas” for legal assistance regarding her payments as an internally displaced person (IDP). Along with counseling, the woman received comprehensive support: lawyers helped her attend courses, thanks to which she found a job.

Olha Pavlivna* faced the war on her own experience. In 2017, she participated in ATO, after which she was commissioned due to her health. Now she lives in the suburbs of Zaporizhzhia, where she moved from the Donetsk oblast, and she is raising an 11-year-old daughter. But after participating in the ATO, the state of Olga’s health does not allow her to perform even light physical work, and it became increasingly difficult for the family to solve financial issues.

Such a story was heard by Tetiana Pliasunova, a lawyer from the NGO “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas”, to whom the woman turned with a question regarding the registration of preferential payments for the status of an IDP. And it turned out that she addressed one problem and solved another, more global one. Because the lawyer not only consulted Olha, but also, together with her colleagues, helped the woman get a new specialty and, as a result, find a new job.

Tetiana Pliasunova, lawyer of NGO “Agency for Democratic Development of Donbas”.

  • Thanks to the fact that we constantly monitor organizations that offer free courses, employment, retraining, we found an offer for Olha from a charitable organization that allocated funds for training for people with preferential category, – says Tetiana Pliasunova.

For three months, Olha Pavlivna studied the basics of programming on an online course, after which she was able to get a job.

  • Now Olha has already received her first salary as a programmer. And recently she called us to say thank you. It is very nice to hear and see happy people. This inspires further work, the lawyer shares.

*Name has been changed for ethical reasons.


P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.

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Recovery of The South of Ukraine

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