The woman will be able to receive a Ukrainian pension in the temporarily occupied territory
Publication date: August 25, 2022
The russian occupiers cut off the Internet in Maryna’s hometown. It was impossible to issue a pension through the electronic office. With the efforts of a lawyer from the Legal Development Network and volunteers, all the necessary documents were collected and delivered to the free territory. Now the woman receives payments from Ukraine.
Maryna* has long dreamed of the time when she will retire and calmly work on her small piece of land, delighting her children and grandchildren with delicious vegetables and fruits…
However, the peace plans were destroyed by the war. The woman had to celebrate her anniversary and a well-deserved retirement already during the occupation.
At the time when the issue of pension registration arose, the Internet had already been disconnected in the city, so it was impossible to submit documents through the electronic office.
Fortunately, Maryna knew about the Legal Development Network, because she had previously used legal assistance from lawyers in her region. She asked for help this time too.
- «After studying the situation, we found out that the woman was carefully preparing to go on a well-deserved retirement, so she had almost all the necessary documents. After receiving the missing documents, we helped Maryna to make an application and form a complete package of documents», explains the Network’s lawyer Vitalii Babyka, who took on the case.
Thanks to the volunteers, the documents were transferred to the territory controlled by Ukraine and submitted to the Pension Fund branch there.
After two months of waiting, the woman called Vitalii Babyka and informed him that she had already received the first payments.
Of course, Maryna did not imagine retirement like that. However, thanks to the joint efforts of lawyers and volunteers, the woman managed to feel the reliable support of her compatriots and receive financial support from her native country.
*Name changed for security reasons.
P. S. More relevant information on legal and humanitarian issues – is in the special section #StandWithUkraine. It accumulates materials that may be useful to those who suffer, whose rights are violated as a result of the war between russia and Ukraine.
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