
When humaneness is one of the components of complex legal aid

Publication date: December 21, 2018

Author: Olena Orlova / Legal Development Network


The assistance, which the local pensioner addressed for to the Stanytsia-Luganska office of the Legal Development Network, could not be called just a legal aid. It was also a mutual support, manifestation of humanity and professional mediation. And it is not the first time, when in the conditions of the front-line zone the Office employees, their indifference and humanity are perhaps the only salvage straw for people.

Ivan Danylko, who addressed the office, is a retired person, who has the status of ” a child of war”. He said that he was in difficult living conditions. His wife, also a pensioner, was seriously ill: she suffered a stroke, as a result she was paralyzed. And now two small pensions were not sufficient for spouses to cover medicines and even basic daily things. The only thing a man asked was to help him with expensive medicines and diapers for a patient who was lying. After all, he could not count for any other support.

The staff of the office, a lawyer Oleksandr Levenets and head of the office Mykola Filippov, personally promptly requested assistance from humanitarian charities operating at the time of the military operations in Stanytsia-Luganska district, as well as to the territorial center for the provision of assistance to the elderly people of the Office of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Luhansk district state administration.

The help came faster than expected: the spouses received the aid – medicines and diapers for a patient lying.

At the same time, the office staff in very difficult conditions, which have been going on for more than four “war” years, continue to provide legal aid free of charge to everybody who needs it. So, only in November 2018, 36 inhabitants of Lugansk region received legal advice here, and 23 received assistance in the compilation of documents.


* Personal data has been changed for ethical reasons.


P.S. The offices of the Legal Development Network are created and operate with the support of the program “Human Rights and Justice” initiative of the International Renaissance Foundation.

The views reflected in this material belong to its authors and may not coincide with the opinion of the International Renaissance Foundation.




P. S. In June 2024, the Legal Development Network (LDN) launched a crowdfunding campaign, Recovery of The South of Ukraine , as part of the crisis response program #StandWithUkraine.

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